Association for Humanities and Social Sciences - APUS Members of the Board of Directors: Sig.ra ELISABETTA CARDINALE PRESIDENTE Sig. ALESSANDRO MICHELANGELO DORO VICEPRESIDENTE Sig. CLAUDIO COLOMBINO VICEPRESIDENTE Sig. GABRIELE ARRAS SEGRETARIO Sig.ra ELEONORA COTTU TESORIERE Sig.ra GAIA MELA CONSIGLIERE Sig.ra ELEONORA PES CONSIGLIERE Sig.ra ALESSANDRA POLIZIA CONSIGLIERESig. FEDERICO CAREDDU CONSIGLIERE Sig. FRANCESCO FUMU CONSIGLIERE Sig. MICHELE URGU CONSIGLIERE ALLE COMUNICAZIONI Naviga la sezione Arkimastria (Student Association of Architecture, Planning, and Design) Alpha Helix Medicine Association Alpha Helix Association Association of Popular Catholics Associazione Cultivarnova Association ELSA Sassari - The European Law Students EUREKA Association Erasmuss Association - ESN - Sassari Ozierese Goliardic Association Turritana Goliardic Association IVSA Sassari Association Italian Association of Dental Students - AISO Sassari Association for Humanities and Social Sciences - APUS Radio Uni Sassari Association SISM Sassari Association Association of Political Science - A.S.P Quadrifoglio Student Association University Student Association of Sciences - ASUS William Congdon Student Association Association of Agricultural Students - ASA Association of Economics Students TVEA Association Associazione Tiria Union of University Students Association Vetera Lucent Association