News from the PhD Course Awards2021Marco Fornasier XXXIII cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Sergio MurgiaBest PhD Thesis in Chemical PhysicsGiovanni Semeraro Prize 2021XXVII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society, digital conference, 14-23 September 2021PhD thesis title: Bio-surfactants-based lipid architectures as nanomedicine platforms 2020Giacomo Picci XXXII cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Claudia CaltagironeBest PhD Thesis in Inorganic Chemistry 2020 (Materials Area)XXVII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI2021), 14-23 September 2021PhD thesis title: Novel supramolecular architectures based on non-covalent interactions 2019Marco Sanna Angotzi XXXI cycleDoctoral Supervisors: Prof. Carla Cannas, Prof. Anna MusinuBest PhD Thesis in Chemical PhysicsGiovanni Semeraro Prize 2019XLVII National Congress of the Division of Physical Chemistry, Rome, 1-4 July 2019PhD thesis title: Design of spinel ferrite-based nanoheterostructures synthesized by solvothermal approaches 2018Marco Sanna Angotzi XXXI cycleDoctoral Supervisors: Prof. Carla Cannas, Prof. Anna MusinuYoung Physico Chemist Award 2018XLVI National Congress of the Division of Physical Chemistry, Bologna, 25-28 June 2018PhD thesis title: Exchange-coupled bimagnetic spinel ferrite based core-shell nanostructures 2018Claudio Cara XXX cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Carla CannasAward for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage17th National Congress of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage, 24-27 June 2018, Genoa, ItalyPhD thesis title: Siliceous and non-siliceous mesostructured iron-oxide nanocomposites for H2S removal from Syngas 2016Francesco Palmas XXX cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Claudia FattuoniPremio “Outstanding Abstract in the 2016 Mass Spectrometry and Separation Sciences Division"Philadelphia 2 August 2016Abstract Competition for the abstract Primary Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) Infection in Pregnancy: Unrevealing the Metabolic Network 2016Valentina Mameli XXVIII cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Carla CannasBest Poster AwardConference of the Italian Magnetism Association, MAGNET 2015, 17-19 febbraio 2015, Bologna 2015Matteo Atzori XXVII cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Maria Laura MercuriPrize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Inorganic ChemistryXLIII Congress of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Camerino 9 - 12 September 2015PhD thesis title: Anilate-based Functional Molecular Materials with Conducting and Magnetic Properties 2014Antonio Valentoni XXIX cycleDoctoral Supervisor: Prof. Stefano EnzoBest Poster AwardXIV Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, SAYCS-14, 27-29 ottobre 2014, RiccionePoster Naviga la sezione PhD Programme Coordinator Features and objectives PhD Course Faculty Course Units News from the PhD Course