Course Units PhD School - Introductory Course to Scientific Research An introduction to Scientific Research, 1st and 2nd yearNuts and bolts of scientific research for PhD students: what scientific research is, what we should count as a step forward in advancing knowledge, the role of explanation and causal relationship, the argumentative dimension in research, the contribution of images, figures and graphic resources. The class will also deal with such issues as the role of data, the question of methodology, the importance of case studies, the difference between human and natural sciences.When not differently specified, the teachers’ affiliation is University of Sassari First year1. Defining scientific researchWhat it means to do scientific research: the advancement of knowledge - Fabio Bacchini, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to develop a theoretical hypothesis - Giuseppe Pulina, Department of AgricultureScientific research in Legal Studies - Fabrizio Calisai, Department of LawScientific Research in Economics and Statistics - Andrea Carosi, Department of Economic and Business SciencesScientific Research in Political and Social Sciences - Romina Deriu, Department of History, Humanities and Education Scientific Research in Architecture and Engineering - Enrico Cicalò, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningScientific research in Humanities - Maria Grazia Melis, Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education; Antonella Camarda, Department of Humanities and Social SciencesScientific research in History, Philosophy, Psychology and Education - Sebastiano Ghisu, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationScientific research in Biomedicine - Sergio Uzzau, Department of Biomedical SciencesScientific research in Medicine - Corrado Rubino, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyScientific research in Mathematics - Francesca Gladiali and Martina Bulai, Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences Scientific research in Chemistry and Physics - Antonio Zucca, Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences; Elisabetta Gavini, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyScientific research in Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine - Maria Grazia Cappai, Department of Veterinary Medicine 2. The components of scientific researchHow to reconstruct and describe a state of the art - Alessandra Casu, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to build up a bibliography - Tanja Congiu and Michele Valentino, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to understand, process and interpret data - Giovanni Sotgiu, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyExperiments: preparation and analysis - Eugenio Garribba, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyHow to write a project proposal - Alma Cardi, Strategic Project Development and Management Office How to argue - Fabio Bacchini, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning The role of conferences and scientific societies - Samanta Bartocci and Massimo Faiferri, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning 3. Becoming a researcherHow to find funding - Sebastiano Garroni, Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesHo to use images, pictures and pictograms in scientific presentations and papers - Alessandra Fusinetti and Amedeo Ganciu, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningJournals and bibliometric indicators in natural sciences - Alberto Mariani, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and PharmacyJournals and bibliometric indicators in social sciences and the humanities - Michele Guirguis, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationHow to write a paper in natural sciences - Marco Dettori, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy How to write a paper in social sciences and the humanities - Filippo Dettori and Marco Milanese, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationHow to develop a research project in natural sciences - Vincenzo Pascucci, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to develop a research project in social sciences and the humanities - Marco Milanese, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationGender equality in academia and research - Maria Antonietta Foddai, Department of LawHigher education student mobility - Claudia Crosio, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Rosanna Ortu, Department of Law Second yearThe doctoral thesis and the futureHow to design a PhD thesis - Fabio Bacchini, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to write a PhD thesis: the style - Paola Pittaluga, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning Academic career prospects abroad - Paola Rizzi, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningAcademic career prospects in Italy - Claudio Grassi, Università Cattolica, MilanHow to work in a team - Gianfranco Ennas, Department of Economic and Business SciencesHow to present a PhD thesis in public - Alessandra Nivoli, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy How to turn a PhD thesis into a book - Michele Valentino, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningPersonal experience: the research pathway of PhD students in natural sciences - Samuele Sozzani, PhD student in Economics, Management, and Quantitative MethodsPersonal experience: the research pathway of PhD students in social sciences and the humanities - Anna Bini, PhD student in Archaeology, History and Human Sciences How do you choose one’s research topics in natural sciences - Vincenzo Pascucci, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningHow to choose one's research topics in social sciences and the humanities - Giuseppina G. Carboni, Department of Economic and Business SciencesLanguage and gender - Maria Antonietta Foddai, Department of LawScientific research and technology transfer - Gabriele Mulas, Department of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences An introductive course to scientific research specific to the PhD programme in Architecture and EnvironmentFirst yearResearchThe cognitive role of design - Giovanni Maciocco, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch and architectural design - Antonello Marotta, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch and urban design - Paola Rizzi, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch in social sciences - Camillo Tidore, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationResearch in the history of architecture - Cecilia Rostagni and Alessandro Spila, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch and earth sciences - Mario De Luca, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch and soil sciences - Gian Franco Capra, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningResearch in anthropology - Cristiano Tallè, Department of History, Human Sciences, and EducationResearch and ecology - Antonella Lugliè, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningInterdisciplinarityArchitecture and design face-to-face to natural and environmental sciences - Bruno Billeci, Maria Dessì, and Francesco Spanedda, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningWhy interdisciplinarity - Fabio Bacchini and Margherita Solci, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningThe natural and environmental sciences face-to-face to architecture and design - Bachisio Padedda, Silvia Pulina, and Cecilia Teodora Satta, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningCollective knowledge - Valeria Monno, Dario Esposito, Polytechnic of Bari Second yearScientific JournalsScientific journals in the architecture area - Laura Pujia and Michele Valentino, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningScientific journals in the engineering area - Emilio Barchiesi, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningScientific journals in the urban planning area - Paola Rizzi, Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban PlanningScientific journals in the geology area - Laura Sanna, CNR Cagliari; Stefano Andreucci, University of Cagliari Educational programme Architecture and Ontology, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe metaphysics and ontology of architectural works and the comparison between architectural works and other kinds of works. The methodology of designing. The metaphysical relation between architectural design and the architectural work. Authoriality in architecture. The nature of architectural site-specificity.The architect in a modern society between genius and social approval 10/11/2022 Guido Seddone – University of SassariOrthogonality and the modern city 12/01/2023 Min Kyung Lee – Bryn Mawr College (USA)Possible worlds and the science-fiction imaginary 05/05/2023 Simona Micali - University of SienaSynthetic models in the scientific exploration of life and cognition 27/06/2023 Luisa Damiano – IULM UniversityTechnical and contemplative disposition: art, philosophy, metaphysics 20/10/2023 Mauro Visentin - University of SassariArchitecture: between ordinary objects and works of art 11/01/2024 Tiziana Andina - University of TurinDesign as a research product03/06/2024Roberta Amirante – University of Napoli Visual and Graphic Design, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe course will deal with issues related to graphic thinking and learning; drawing, geometry and history of representation; digital modelling, virtual and augmented reality, gaming; graphic languages, writing and lettering; data visualisation and infographics; and animated image as a language of communication for cultural heritage, scientific dissemination and social communication.Measuring, representing, constructing knowledge: data, tools and opportunities of OpenStreetMap ecosystems for decision support 16/11/2022 Maurizio Napolitano - Bruno Kessler FoundationThe origins of the principle of virtual works 21/11/2022 Vincenzo Fano - University of UrbinoForm and geometry between ephemeral and permanent 20/01/2023 Antonella Zerlenga and Vincenzo Cirillo - Campania University Luigi VanvitelliThe intangible cultural heritage between knowledge and communication 05/05/2023 Valeria Menchetelli - University of PerugiaThe neurophysiology of creativity 12/05/2023 Gaia Leandri - University of GenovaModelling experiences between the physical and the virtual. Experiencing reality and the imaginary19/01/2024 Cecilia Maria Bolognesi – Polytechnic University of MilanTo Display. The forms of exhibiting 12/04/2024 Alessandro Floris - 2farchitettura, Arch. Marco Borsotti - Polytechnic University of MilanSemantic enrichment of multidimensional data: challenges and opportunities for cultural heritage studies 18/04/2024 Violette Abergel – CNRSMaptime! A journey into the world of digital cartography and global initiative 29/04/2024 Maurizio Napolitano - Bruno Kessler Foundation Architecture, Structures and Technology, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearAn interdisciplinary approach to structural analysis, the development of a high technological quality architecture and the study of materials and components, focused on their physical, technical, and constructive properties as well as on the new perspectives in mechanical metamaterials.Solar shading in contemporary architecture 10/01/2023Alessandro Premier - Auckland UniversityNew frontiers in stereotomic stone architecture 11/01/2023 Giuseppe Fallacara - Polytechnic University of BariRestoration design: suggestions or skills? 08/05/2023 Emilio Turco - University of Sassari; Cesare Feifferi - University Roma Tre; Bruno Billeci - University of SassariMicromechanics-based continua for granular solids 30/06/2023 Luca Placidi - Università Telematica Internazionale UninettunoMultiphysics computation of electrified tissue 25/09/2023 Bilen Emek Abali - Uppsala UniversityGranular Micromechanics: bridging grain interactions and micromorphic continuum descriptions28/09/2023 Anil Misra - University of KansasTowards design of dissipative metamaterials: Formulation and identification of symmetric and asymmetric hysteretic materials 16/04/2024 Salvatore Sessa - University of Napoli "Federico II"Modelling the mechanical response of masonry22/04/2024 Antonio Bilotta – University of CalabriaThe principle of virtual work: a powerful tool for mathematical invention 15/05/2024 Francesco Dell'Isola - University of l’AquilaExperimentation in stone design. Marble 4.0 and new digital paradigms 28/05/2024 Raffaello Galiotto – independent designerMetamaterial design: a challenge in mathematical physics and engineering sciences 31/05/2024 Francesco Dell'Isola - University of l’Aquila Architecture, Urban Studies and Cultural Heritage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearAn exploration of the relationship between architectural design, the history of architecture, the history of the city and the territory of archaeology, under an interdisciplinary approach. Theoretical reflection is meant to have an impact on the reading, interpretation and valorisation of cities and cultural heritage.Layers/water and stone 07/11/2022 Josep Mias - University of SassariRecovery of domestic heritage in historic centres 25/11/2022 María Lourdes Gutiérrez Carrillo - Universidad de GranadaBoundaries 12/12/2022 Josep Miàs - University of Sassari"Quel moderno che gli fo io": the architecture of Giovanni Michelucci 22/12/2022 Roberto Dulio - Polytechnic University of MilanLisbon speaks French 13/01/2023 Stefano Riva – architectGiuseppe Terragni beyond rationalism: the Villa Bianca in Seveso 24/01/2023 Antonino Saggio – University La Sapienza, RomeConflicts without transformation: the Pontine Marshes from 1871 to 1928 14/04/2023 Roberta Biasillo - Utrecht UniversityStructures and conservation: restoration and consolidation between theory and practice 01/06/2023 Giovanni Cangi - CNR, Bruno Billeci - University of SassariThe Deer and the Dragon. Christian symbols and cosmic images on the façade of the church of San Casciano di Càscina 16/11/2023 Gavina Cherchi - University of SassariArchitecture and infrastructure in Canton Ticino 12/12/2023 Nicola Navone – USI; Archivio del ModernoMunicipality and architecture in the 19th century 12/03/2024 Marco Corona - Polytechnic University of TurinDrawing time. The representation of architecture between scientific empiricism and antiquarian imagery 11/04/2024 Francesca Mattei – University of Roma TreThe Architecture of Printed Museums in the Eighteenth Century04/06/2024Eleonora Pistis – Columbia UniversityArchaeology and urban history. From survey to context13/06/2024Alessandra Ten – Università La Sapienza, RomaFrom the classica age to late antiquity. An inquiry into the urban transformation of the cities in the Hispania region21/06/2024Nuria Romanì Sala - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Architecture, Ecology and Sustainability, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe class aims to provide a conceptual understanding of sustainable urbanism and a critical review of its philosophical and practical framework. The landscape ecology approach emphasises the interrelationship between urban landscape patterns and ecological/socioeconomic processes on different scales. Special attention will be devoted to the theme of climate change and the study of its effects on territories and built architecture.Regional parks between regulatory constraints and ecosystem services28/01/2023 Fabio Salbitano - University of FirenzeEnrico Trogu – State Archive, CagliariAlessandro Plaisant - University of SassariPaolo Mossone - Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della SardegnaAntonio Pusceddu - University of CagliariMisogyny and sexism: are they the same thing? 03/04/2023 Vera Tripodi - Polytechnic University of TurinFrom land use decisions to food justice 02/05/2023 Matthew Lange - IC-FOODSThe nature of the duce. An environmental history of fascism 18/05/2023 Wilko Graf von Hardenberg - Humboldt Universität di BerlinoNovel foods in the age of cities 13/06/2023 Maria Fonte e Maria Grazia Quieti - American University of RomeCan we have our cow and eat her too? 13/06/2023 Josh Milburn - Loughborough UniversityDrawing the landscape of artificial meat: what eco-social designs are brewing in the lab? 23/03/2023 Clemens Driessen - Wageningen UniversityRegeneration of historical heritage for a green transition 30/11/2023 Alessandra Battisti - University La Sapienza, RomaThe relational nature of the city11/06/2024Daniele Chiffi – Polytechnic University of Milan Architecture and Learning Processes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe relationships between natural and artificial space and learning processes; knowledge transmission and architectural space; the possibility of integration, whether physical or immaterial, real or virtual, in dependence of spatial experience.Design plans with different dimensions. From the skeleton to architecture 26/05/2023Cherubino Gambardella – University of Campania Luigi VanvitelliInstallation design: design in different dimensions26/05/2023 Simona Ottieri - University of Campania Luigi VanvitelliWonder belongs to everyone. Bodies, cities, architectures.30/05/2023 Luca Molinari - University of Campania Luigi VanvitelliThe public city. Architecture and knowledge05/06/2023 Jo Noero – Noeroarchitects Animal architecture: building for cohabitation 16/01/2024 Paul Dobraszczyk - University College LondonFrom the places of knowledge to everyone's home 18/03/2024 Antonella Agnoli – independent designerThe composition of differences. The architectural design as the production of a border21/05/2024 Gianfranco Tuzzolino – University of PalermoThe origins of architecture: quest for an illusion? 24/05/2024 Tim Ingold - University of AberdeenTim Ingold meets the PhD students27/05/2024 Tim Ingold - University of Aberdeen Territory, Dwelling and Movement, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearNew urban populations and the new forms of nomadic dwelling. New lifestyles in the network society. Territories, private and public transportation, and public transport strategy studies. New theoretical approaches to urban sociology, transformation of local and national welfare systems, globalisation processes and their impact on land, territories, and cities.European Commission contributions to the EU Urban Agenda and sustainable urban development 30/11/2022 Angela Guarino – European CommissionScience advances – What about democracy? 15/06/2023 Fabrizio Rufo - University La Sapienza, RomaInhabiting the Anthropocene: ethics of extinction and the future of Sapiens 13/07/2023 Luca Lo Sapio - University of TurinWhat is a city? 10/11/2023 Achille Varzi - Columbia UniversityThe role of tacit knowledge in everyday life and science 22/11/2023 Romina Deriu - University of SassariThe insidious allure of gastronationalism 12/12/2023 Michele Antonio Fino - University of PollenzoIs it the territory that makes the product or the product that makes the territory? 12/12/2023 Alberto Grandi - University of ParmaThe rights of nature as a disputed subject and object 15/04/2024 Flavia Cuturi – University of Napoli "L'Orientale" Urban Studies, Architecture and Depopulation, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe transformation of urban spatial structures in relation to contemporary demographic processes, especially depopulation of territories, and the development of new social identities and new forms of social and spatial injustices; urban policies, new technologies and social innovation.Rule-free regulation: how to regulate without rules 22/11/2022 Stefano Moroni – Polytechnic University of MilanMaking cities (more) inclusive. Urban planning for autism 28/03/2023 Valentina Talu and Giula Tola - University of SassariStrategic Environmental Assessment and the ‘Do not significant harm’ principle in PR FESR 2021-2027 12/05/2023 Silvia Vaghi - Polytechnic University of MilanThe strengthening of administration and cohesion policy between continuity and change 12/05/2023 Alessandro Valenza and Clarissa Amichetti - University of MacerataThe city, metamorphosis of a complex identity22/05/2023Anna Lazzarini - University of BergamoBorderscaping: rethinking, acting, and inhabiting the border 22/05/2023 Chiara Brambilla - University of BergamoRule-free regulation as a form of hidden regulation 10/11/2023 Stefano Moroni - Polytechnic University of Milan, Giuseppe Lorini - University of CagliariLiving and building in the times of the Anthropocene. Anthropological perspectives and ethnographic experiences from indigenous Mexico 14/12/2023 Cristiano Tallè - University of SassariModels for promoting proximity and accessibility in cities15/05/2024 Salvador Rueda - Fundación Ecologia Urbana y Territorial Participatory Planning in the Context of Risk, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearParticipatory design processes and community planning before, during, or after a disastrous or potentially disastrous event; community-based disaster risk reduction and community-based disaster mitigation processes.Architecture is a human right 29/11/2022 Jorge Lobos - University of SassariCohesion policy and sustainable development 05/05/2023 Laura Cavalli - ENI Enrico Mattei FoundationEcosystemic urbanism. Principles and tools 04/05/2023 Salvador Rueda - Fundación Ecologia Urbana y TerritorialZero-free phase plan for flooding risk areas30/08/2024Satoshi Otsuki – Kochi University (Japan) Marine Environment and Climate Change, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearBiology of marine plants, marine biology and ecology, and the study of the ecology of the main phytoplanktonic and microbenthic components also in the applied projects of management and territorial planning, as well as in architecture and design projects through a biomimetic approach. Ecological approach to climate change. The efficacy of marine protected areas. Soil management and conservation.Undiscipline Everything! 17/01/2023 Marco Armiero - Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaBeing inspired by nature. Research, imagination, humanity and ecology 31/05/2023 Domenico D'Alelio - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, NapoliEcological and natural crises and bioethics as a science of human survival 15/06/2023 Silvia Camporesi - University of ViennaMethodology for quantifying carbon pools and ecosystem services in tropical forests16/05/2024 Iraê Amaral Guerrini - São Paulo State UniversityUndisciplined reflections on science and society30/05/2024Alba L’Astorina – CNR, NapoliCristina Mangia – CNR, LecceAlessandra Pugnetti – CNR, VeniceThe environment is political30/07/2024Kelly Happe – University of Georgia (USA) Geology and Human Environment, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd yearThe study of coastal areas and the seabed around them, the aim being to define the parameters for preserving the marine and coastal environment. Tiny crystals tell a big story 15/12/2022 Leonardo Casini - University of SassariThe history of Earth Sciences between interdisciplinary research methods, geosite valorisation and historical geotourism: the case of the Alps 17/01/2023 Ezio Vaccari - University of Insubria Final conference - project IN TIME 16/10/2023 Alessio Di Iorio – University of SassariVincenzo Pascucci – University of SassariJosè Vazques Poletti - Universitad Complutense de MadridLucia Marinangeli - University D'Annunzio Chieti-PescaraMarcello Coradini - former ESA managerEnrico Flamini - former ASI managerElizabeth Catlos - Jackson Geoscience Institute, Austin Seminars and Conferences SeminarsLandscape: a glossary27 June 2022 Silvano Tagliagambe, Giovanni Maciocco, Roberto Masiero, Giorgio Peghin, Luca Taddio, Fabio BacchiniA manifesto for ecosystemic planning of cities and metropolies. Guiding principles for ecosystemic urbanism and tools for its implementation4 May 2023 Salvador RuedaThe public city. Architecture, ethics, freedom5 June 2023 Jo Noero, Samanta BartocciAnimal architecture: building for cohabitation16 January 2024 Paul Dobraszczyk The origins of architecture: quest for an illusion?24 May 2024 Tim Ingold Conferences Be In-Time on Mars Summer School5-9 June 2023Organisers: Stefano Andreucci - University of Cagliari; Vincenzo Pascucci - University of SassariInternational Conference on Modelling Complexity in Mechanics.25-29 September 2023Organisers: Francesco dell’Isola - University of l’Aquila; Emilio Turco - University of SassariUses, re-uses, abandonments. Projects and solutions for land management in ancient times. International conference.6-8 June 2024Organisers: Roberto Busonera and Ilaria Trivelloni - University of SassariInternational Conference on Visualizing Landscape - VL 202411-12 July 2024Organisers: Michele Valentino and Enrico Cicalò - University of SassariNAND Conference – Normative pictures25-27 September 2024Organisers: Fabio Bacchini, Elena Bossini, Luca Cesari, and Giuseppe Mascia - University of Sassari Transition to the next year Admission to the following year or to the final examination takes place on the basis of a decision by the School Board. The candidate discusses their work with two external experts as well as with the members of the School Board.Over the past year, several scholars from other universities have served as external discussants, including:Ana Maria Alonso Zarza - Universidad Complutense de MadridErnesto Antonini - University of BolognaAdolfo Baratta - University of Roma TreAlessandra Battisti - University La Sapienza, RomaHanène Ben Slama - Université de Carthage - École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme de TunisMarisa Bertolo - Polytechnic University of MilanElena Besussi - University College of LondonLetizia Bollini - University of BolzanoGiorgio Buratti - Polytechnic University of MilanLucilla Calogero - IUAV VeneziaSergio Capucci - ENEAMaria Lourdes Carrillo - Universidad de GranadaAlessandro Ciallella - University of l'AquilaGiovanni De Falco - CNRStefano De Angeli - University of TusciaZoran Ðjukanovic - University of BelgradoJuan José Fornós Astó - Universitat de les Illes Balears, MallorcaGianfranco Franz - University of FerraraManfred Frechen - Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Freie Universität BerlinFrancesca Giglio - Mediterranean University of Reggio CalabriaBartlomiej Glina - Poznan UniversityEleonora Grilli - University of Campania Luigi VanvitelliRossana Gaddi - University “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-PescaraFrancesca Giustini - CNRIvan Guala - IMC, OristanoÁngel Luis González Morales - Universidad de SevillaCassio Hamilton Abreu Junior - UNESP – São Paulo State University, BrasilGianluca Iiriti - University of CagliariSara Innangi - CNRMaria Kafesaki - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas; University of CreteMarco Luitprandi - “Nuovostudio”, VeneziaLazaro Marin-Guirao - Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Murcia, SpainClaudia Mattogno - University La Sapienza, RomaNuria Marbà - Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, Mallorca, SpainValeria Menchetelli - University of PerugiaLukasz Mendyk - Poznan UniversityValeria Meiller - University of Texas, San Antonio, USAJosh Milburn - Loughborough University, UKMauro Marzo - IUAV VeneziaGiovanni Mastrolonardo - University of FirenzeTibor József Novák - University of Debrecen, HungaryMonica Pondrelli - University of ChietiFrancesco Pinna - University of CagliariMarco Quaggiotto - Polytechnic University of MilanStefania Ragozino - IRISS-CRNMatelda Reho - IUAV VeniceDaniele Rossi - University of CamerinoMassimo Rossetti - IUAV VeniceBeniamino Sidoti – independent researcherSalvatore Stramondo - INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaMario Spagnuolo - University of CagliariDagmar Brigitte Stengel - National University of Ireland, Galway, IrelandTheo Zaffagnini - University of FerraraGiovanni Zanchetta - University of Pisa Naviga la sezione PhD Programme Coordinator Features and objectives PhD Course Faculty Course units Guests Partner Universities News from the PhD Course