Features and objectives The aim of the PhD programme in Architecture and Environment is to train a researcher competent to understand built spaces and their relationships with the environment and landscape in order to design their management and transformation. In particular, the perspective of the PhD programme is to train new researchers capable of reflecting within action and learning in a self-formative process. The primary objective of the course is to generate new scientists, professionals and entrepreneurs qualified to achieve international prominence. The PhD Course promotes a systemic and multidisciplinary approach, in which the contents, objectives and research methodologies are consistent with the individual research topics and open to an interdisciplinary approach as proposed by the course design. The different disciplines that are part of the doctoral programme aim to work in an innovative and sustainable manner with respect to the challenges of an ever-changing society, dealing with material and immaterial objects in relation to the structures and functions of complex ecosystems. In addition to the basic objectives typical of the third cycle of Higher Education, which envisage the perfect mastery of sources within a disciplinary framework relating to one's research, good writing skills in a scientific and academic context and the ability to transmit scientific results through appropriate forms of communication, the PhD Course in Architecture and Environment has as its peculiar objectives the construction of specific contents relating to a research method that responds to specific themes of investigation of the various disciplines pertaining to the course and the construction of operative methodologies that envisage an analytical- constructive reading parallel to a profound reflection on action. The interoperable components between the different fields, in collaboration with various research organisations and territorial government structures, aim to provide research and training capacities that enable the future PhD to respond to issues of particular complexity and specificity even in non- academic environments, such as private companies and local authorities. Naviga la sezione PhD Programme Coordinator Features and objectives PhD Course Faculty Course units Guests Partner Universities News from the PhD Course