Inauguration of the PhD academic year 2023 Inauguration, Friday 14 April 2023 On Friday 14 April 2023, the inauguration of the PhD academic year took place in the University's Aula Magna.It was an opportunity to take stock of the situation in the world of PhDs, of how the number and quality of PhD students admitted to Uniss is growing, and of how efforts are being made to improve the quality of the offer of training and research.It was also a day to remember for the XXXII, XXXIII and XXXIV cycle PhD students who were able to collect their PhD parchment in this special setting.The morning was marked by the warm greeting of the Magnificent Rector Gavino Mariotti, followed by the Director of the PhD School Eugenio Garribba, who introduced the spearhead of the opening day, Professor Donald Sassoon, Professor Emeritus of Comparative European History at Queen Mary University of London, who gave a very interesting lectio magistralis entitled: "Does Culture Unite Us?"In conclusion, last but not least, greeted by the Uniss PhD Course Coordinators, the PhDs received, to the applause of the audience, their doctoral parchment. On Saturday 15 April 2023, in conjunction with the opening day of the PhD Course's academic year, Prof. Maria Grazia Melis (Professor of Prehistory and coordinator of the PhD Course in Archaeology, History and Human Sciences) and Prof. Alessandro Teatini (Professor of Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art and vice-coordinator of the PhD Course in Archaeology, History and Human Sciences) organised for the morning a visit to the archaeological area of the Roman city of Turris Libisonis and a tour of the prehistoric sanctuary of Monte d'Accoddi, with special guest Prof. Sassoon. Also accompanying the UniSS and Higher Education Office delegation was the Director of the Antiquarium Turritano, Dr. Stefano Giuliani. Alcuni scatti della giornata di inaugurazione dell'anno Accademico Del Dottorato Di Ricerca e della mattinata archeologica del 15 aprile Naviga la sezione PhD Day 2024 Inauguration of the PhD academic year 2023 Nature Communications publishes ALS study by Uniss PhD student Elena Rita Simula