Ph.D Programmes Read more The PhD is the highest degree of academic education in Italy. It is a 3-year course of study and research that aims to provide PhD students with advanced training in the specific discipline of the PhD programme and high-level interdisciplinary scientific training aimed at perfecting specific skills dedicated to research management, knowledge of European and international systems, and the valorisation of research and intellectual property.The University of Sassari offers 10 different PhD Courses. Ph.D. School Established in 2018, the UniSS PhD School aims to promote, organise and manage service and support activities related to PhD Courses. It also promotes interdisciplinarity, transversal skills, international exchanges and a range of services and opportunities for those enrolled in the Courses and for alumni who have already obtained the PhD degree.In order to be admitted to the PhD programme, it is necessary to pass the admission competition.To find out more about how the School works, read the training plan and the didactic regulations, also in English and French, visit the dedicated page.For practical information, to find out how to fulfil the requirements for PhD students, to find out about the procedure for obtaining the degree and other important information, please visit the "Services for PhD students" section.To keep up to date with the educational activities of the School and of the various Uniss PhD Courses consult the Web Agenda and the calendar in the dedicated section. Naviga la sezione Ph.D Programmes PNRR - Dottorati PhD Courses Admission to the PhD programme The Ph.D. School Educational and training activities Services to Ph.D. students Recognition of a foreign Doctoral degree Previous Calls News ed Events Partnerships and funding Post-graduate qualifycations State exams Specialization schools Teacher training Notices Introductory Course in Scientific ResearchThe calendars for the Doctoral School's Common Activity for all Uniss first- and second-year doctoral students, are being defined.Download the timetables Uniss PhD School Director of the PhD SchoolProf. Eugenio StaffDr. Riccardo Nicolò Dr. Michele Dr. Margherita University Regulation of PhD Courses