MAYA aims at increasing the professionalism of young students by supporting the development of a new inter-university postgraduate Master Agricultural and hYdrological Approaches. The new curriculum will take into account new approaches to tackle water scarcity and desertification processes. The new Master will be designed to be student-oriented, based on new innovative learning methods and adjusted to the Bologna process requirements. In addition, a cooperation agreement signed by involved universities and other stakeholders will establish an international educational network on Agricultural and hydrological Approaches to a better sustainable development that will create new cooperative opportunities and relationships.

Title and acronym: Master in Agricultural and hYdrological Approaches to a better sustainable development -MAYA-

Dates: from October 2017 to October 2020

Location: Tunisia

Source of Funding: ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union

Role of NRD: Coordinator

Scientific responsible: Prof. Luciano Gutierrez

NRD members and staff involved: Dr. Matteo Funaro, Dr. Rinaldo Satta, Ambra Ilaria Cincotti

The partners

Desertification Research Centre - University of Sassari NRD-UNISS

P2. Mediterranean Universities Union - UNIMED

P3. University of Girona - UdG

P4. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTH

P5. University of Tunis El Manar – UTM

P6. University of Sfax – US

P7. University of Carthage – UCAR