Training TRAINING COURSES AND INTERNSHIP Training is among NRD statutory mandates and is particularly targeted to: 1) provide methodological and technical qualification to post graduate students as well as to technical officers from local and regional public administrations; 2) promote scientific training of graduate students from North Africa, Asia and South America periodically hosted by NRD. ACQÙA: SUSTAIN-COAST SUMMER SCHOOL ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICT MEDIATION >> Acqua (water) - The etymology of the italian word (from Latin aqua) is linked to the Indo-European root ak- = to fold. So: water as a substance that bends, infiltrates, assuming the shape of what contains it. >> Cùa, Acùa - In the Sardinian language: what is hidden, secret.ACQÙA Summer School on Environmental Conflict Mediation, will be held in Oristano (Sardinia) on 27-30 June 2022. The school will be organized by the Desertification Research Center (NRD) of the University of Sassari within the framework of WP4 – Innovative Governance of the Sustain-COAST project. The School will be focused on water-related conflicts (with case studies from the Mediterranean Region) and aims to: explore and promote environmental mediation conflict technique; inform participants about the effectiveness and validity of mediation in environmental disputes; train participants on the specificity of the environmental conflict and on the particular modalities that distinguish this type of conciliation path from those usually used in the civil and commercial field. School will be organized in Oristano, Sardinia, which is 20km from Arborea, one of the four case studies of the Sustain-COAST project. This is the first time that a school on conflict mediation, with a specific focus on environmental conflicts, is organized in the Region. >> REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: If you are interested in participating, send a mail to or by Sunday 19th of June 2022. Participants will receive further information upon acceptance. The registration fee is € 250,00. Environmental conflicts present particular characteristics that distinguish them from other types of social conflicts, such as their high level of complexity and the plurality of actors involved (citizens, economic actors, institutions). These aspects require adequate modes of resolution that differ from those generally adopted for other conflicts. However, the use of environmental conflict mediation in Europe and in the Mediterranean Region is still limited. Within Sustain-COAST the use of environmental conflict mediation will be promoted, with a view to promoting innovative governance processes based on transparency, dialogue and participation. Indeed, environmental mediation procedures require widespread and constant information on the technical and legal aspects of the conflict; this is ensured through seminars, social meetings and debates that promote transparency and foster social awareness paths. In particular, the application of environmental mediation can have the following benefits:reducing time compared to judicial and administrative procedures;reducing costs compared to judicial and administrative procedures;improving the effectiveness and duration of the agreements;increasing the flexibility and adaptability of the agreements, as they can be reviewed and adapted to new environmental conditions, needs and changed social conditions;promoting social cohesion and learning experiences, as well as enhancing community values by implementing new forms of sharing and discussions among actors in relation to the management of common resources like water. SANAI SA TERRA SUMMER SCHOOL SANAI SA TERRA è una summer school che nasce con l'obiettivo di far conoscere gli aspetti chiave della contaminazione del suolo e le diverse strategie atte a migliorarne la funzionalità ed i servizi ecosistemici attraverso lezioni frontali, attività pratiche e visite presso i siti minerari di Montevecchio e Argentiera. Le lezioni e le prove pratiche di laboratorio saranno tenute da diversi docenti universitari partner del progetto Prin Rizobiorem presso il Dipartimento di Agraria (Aula Pampaloni) giorno 15 giugno. Le visite presso i siti minerari si svolgeranno il 16 a Montevecchio-Guspini e il 17 giugno presso l'Argentiera. Inoltre, è previsto il webinar internazionale "Desertification & drought day" in occasione della giornata mondiale contro la desertificazione e la siccità il 17 giugno (9:00-13:00) aperto a tutti in modalità mista.Ai dottorandi del Dipartimento di Agraria verranno riconosciuti 2 CFR.Per maggiori informazioni : Naviga la sezione About NRD Publications People and organization Events Projects Networking Training Work with us Contacts