Research Activities ATLANTIDE Project Title: Advanced Technologies for LANds management and Tools for Innovative Development of an EcoSustainable agriculture (ATLANTIDE)About the ProjectATLANTIDE ( is an ambitious joint project among Topcon Agriculture, Abinsula and the University of Sassari. The general objective of ATLANTIDE is the complete integration between knowledge and enabling technologies for the definition and implementation of agricultural production models that aim to efficiently combine inputs (water, fertilizers, pesticides, energy, time) with outputs (increase efficiency, improvement of quality, reduction of production losses, reduction of resource use, reduction of land use, reduction of the ecological footprint).The specific objective of ATLANTIDE - the creation of a Framework enabling the manipulation, aggregation and fusion of agro-food field data for a development from a Precision Agriculture perspective in the European context - will be achieved through a series of specific operational objectives of technological nature and their experimentation in specific application contexts. The experimentation will not be limited to the laboratory and will be carried out directly in the field thanks to the involvement of the UniSS Center for Innovative Agriculture located at the experimental farm in Surigheddu.The general objective of the project will be achieved through the following specific operational objectives:Precision phenotyping of specific plant materials by obtaining detailed metabolomic profiles at the level of a single plant in field conditions. The set of information obtained will allow to identify the genotype/cultivation technique combinations capable of inducing particular metabolic profiles in plants.Quantification and evaluation of plant biodiversity and agro-pastoral productivity and other eco-systemic services, and design of innovative agro-pastoral management and monitoring systems with site-specific agronomic management. The RS tools will be applied for monitoring the management of pasture improvement practices (thickening with legumes, fertilization).Differentiated and optimized management of crops on the basis of new knowledge, acquired through a monitoring protocol of environmental phenomena, carried out with precision farming techniques and capable of responding to individual crop management needs.Design of sensor systems, integrated with the automation of the greenhouse environment management activities, in order to improve the management of resources, with consequent reduction of the environmental impact and a more regular morphophysiological development of plants in cultivation, thanks the reduction of the causes of environmental and nutritional stress and the prevention of the main pathologies.Design, development and evaluation of systems that aim to integrate agricultural information with devices for augmented reality. These systems will be used for the timely management of data relating to individual subjects in line with the principles of precision agriculture.Use of innovative sensors derived from classification algorithms (Deep and Machine Learning) which, installed directly on the agricultural tractor, on the ground farm robot or on drones, transmit the information obtained, (physiological state of the plant, presence of biotic and abiotic stress, vegetative responses to different cultivation practices, monitoring and execution of phytosanitary treatments, monitoring and counting of bunches, etc.) in order to prepare a decision support system for companies, innovative and efficient, and aimed at the sustainability of cultivation practices, control of grape quality and management of oenological objectives.Dates: November 2020- October 2023Source of funding: Regione autonoma della Sardegna – Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FSCA)Amount of funding: 1,500,000 €Role of IA UNISS: BeneficiaryIA Scientific Responsible: Filippo Gambella (from July 2022 the 16th, former Antonio Piga)IA members and staff involved: Gianni Battacone, Giuseppe Brundu, Maria Caria, Marco Cossu, Paola Deligios, Alessandra Del Caro, Costantino Fadda, Filippo Gambella, Giovanni Garau, Francesco Giunta, Antonio Ledda, Luigi Ledda, Andrea Lentini, Vanessa Lozano, Maria PAola Masu, Luca Mercenaro, Rosella Motzo, Gianni Nieddu, Tore Pala, Annalisa Pinna, Andrea Porceddu, Vanda Assunta Prota, Domenico Rau, Monica Rodriguez, Pier Paolo Roggero, Gabriele Sara, Grazia Maria Scarpa, Giovanna Seddaiu, Caterina Senette, Salvatorica Serra, Giuseppe Todde.Financial manager: Stefania LiggiaPartnership:Topcon Positioning Group (lead company) - srl – (partner company) - REALIZZAZIONE DELL’INFRASTRUTTURA DI RICERCA E STAZIONE DI PROTOTIPAZIONE “INNOVATIVE AGRICULTURE” About the projectInnovation, development and experimentation of new products and processes in agriculture in collaboration with large companies and SMEs in line with the Smart Specialization Strategy of the RAS and with the dictates of the Industry 4.0 program envisaged by the MISE. All in a broad vision of Precision Farming, in compliance with the concepts of environmental sustainability, food healthiness, defense of biodiversity and high quality of production. In particular, the Center aims to favor agro-industrial development by supporting companies to make investments in innovation, organization and rationalization; Create an epicenter of Agriculture in Sardinia, which is able to attract consumers, economic and institutional operators, skills and know-how through the enhancement of assets, the enhancement of local production and the application of research and innovation. The establishment of the center will allow the creation of structures capable of hosting pilot plants and advanced sensors for the needs of agri-food, island, national and foreign realities, laboratories that can be used by interested companies, development of software for the automotive world, monitoring and management of BIG DATA and DATA FUSION, development of artificial intelligence, application of ICT and dissemination of results through scientific publications, communications at national and international conferences.Dates: 2019- 2022Source of funding: Regione autonoma della Sardegna – Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FSCA)Amount of funding: 1,000,000 €Role of IA UNISS: BeneficiaryIA Scientific Responsible: (from July 2022 the 16th, former Antonio Piga)IA members and staff involved: Filippo Gambella, Maria Paola Masu, all members of Scientific Committee.Financial manager: Stefania Liggia Naviga la sezione Mission Research Activities Equipment Documents Join IA Scientific committee Steering committee Our people Partners News and events Gallery