Young researchers mobility program (MGR) The Young Researchers Mobility Program (MGR) is an initiative financed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia as part of the regional law of 7 August 2007, n. 7 "Promotion of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation in Sardinia" and is aimed at encouraging the participation of young researchers in international research groups.The program is periodically financed through resolutions of the Regional Council and implemented by the University through notices for the presentation of project proposals aimed at supporting the international mobility of young researchers serving at the University of Sassari. Young Researchers Mobility Program (MGR) - 2022 (Second Call) Young Researchers Mobility Program (MGR) - 2022 first call Proroga conclusione mobilità Con D.R. n. 1601 del 28/05/2024 è stata prorogata al 31 dicembre 2024 la conclusione delle iniziative finanziate nell'ambito dei due bandi MGR 2022. D.R. n. 1601/2024 Naviga la sezione Legge Regionale 7/2007 - FSC Young researchers mobility program Contacts Antonello Sai 079 22 8999 Ufficio ricerca e qualitàVIA MACAO, 3207100 SASSARI