Legge Regionale 7/2007 - FSC

Legge Regionale n. 7/2007 - annualità 2017 - FSC

19 projects from the University of Sassari were financed under the Call for proposals for basic research projects Annual 2017 - Development and Cohesion Fund 2014-2020, Pact for the development of the Sardinia Region - Thematic Area 3 - Line of Action 3.1 "Interventions to support research". The Call, adopted by the Regional Programming Center of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, has as its aim the promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia through Basic Research Projects. 

The funded projects refer to the following thematic areas: 

area 02 - physical sciences; 

area 03 - chemical sciences; 

area 04 – earth sciences; 

area 05 - biological sciences; 

area 06 - medical sciences; 

area 07 - agricultural and veterinary sciences; 

area 08 - civil engineering and architecture; 

area 10 - ancient, philological - literary and historical - artistic sciences; 

area 12 - legal sciences; 

area 13 - economic sciences and statistics. 

The start date of the two-year projects is July 1, 2019. Considering the difficulties and slowdowns in scientific research activities due to the limitations caused by the COVID-19 emergency situation, the Regional Programming Center of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia has allowed the extension of 12 months of research activities. The completion date of the activities is June 30, 2022.