IRIS - Institutional Research Information System Following the merger with Cilea and Caspur, Cineca has initiated a process aimed at redefining research information management services, inheriting the best features from the pre-existing solutions U-GOV Ricerca and SURplus.IRIS, Institutional Research Information System, the new system, aligns with systems internationally known as CRIS (Current Research Information System). CRIS refers to a system that enables the input, management, and dissemination of research activity data for a University or an Institution.IRIS – IR introduces innovative features compared to the tools used so far for cataloging products, particularly:Single access for researchers who need to deposit productsLink to the ministerial database useful for meeting various ministerial requirementsInteroperability with other research service systemsThe new system provides researchers, administrators, and evaluators with tools to monitor research results, enhance visibility, and allocate available resources effectively. In July 2016, the new IRIS platform of the University of Sassari was launched, enabling not only research but also the input of new products.To support the various needs that might arise, a working group (see highlighted paragraph) was established, involving staff from the Research Office, the University Library System, and the Departments.Within each Department, two roles are present:The Contact Person, who provides first-level assistance in product input and departmental reporting.The Superuser (reference librarian), who provides second-level assistance in product input (metadata) and deduplication of products migrated from the LoginMiur teacher site (to resolve cases of multiple instances of the same product in the new Catalog).The Research and Quality Office staff liaise with Cineca. Together with the Library Coordination staff, they ensure assistance to Contacts and Superusers in resolving issues not solvable with the tools at their disposal (, researchers, PhD students, and fellows can contact the Office of IT Systems Support and Administration ( - 079229843) for any clarification regarding credentials. Access IRIS at the University of Sassari: [IRIS UniSS](link_to_IRIS) CINECA Guide to Using IRIS CINECA Video Tutorials and Webinars Naviga la sezione Where to Conduct Research Research Funding Support for European Project Design IRIS - Institutional Research Information System Highlighted Contatti Gruppo di lavoro IRIS a supporto degli utenti UNISS Documents Licenza di deposito nell'archivio istituzionale della ricerca Policy sull'Accesso Aperto (Open Access) alla letteratura scientifica