Innovation of University Administrations 5 July 2024 The CoDAU announces that the notice for the support of projects for the innovation of the University Administrations of the CoDAU "Award for the Innovation of the University Administrations in memory of Clara Coviello" has been published.With this announcement, CoDAU intends to remember Dr. Clara Coviello, former General Director of the University of Udine and Administrative Director of the University of Ferrara, promoting the spirit of collaboration and innovation within university administrations Italian.The annual award in question is part of the strategic university vision that CoDAU has been pursuing for years, taking the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development as a priority reference for this announcement with specific reference to the achievement of the goals:8. Decent work and economic growth, 9. Business, innovation and infrastructure and 12. Responsible consumption and production, in line with the actions related to the 'challenge' relating to "user-centred, integrated, augmented, simple and safe public services ”. Consequently, the objective is to promote administrative strengthening and innovation in its various forms. Below is the link to the announcement:Premio per l'Innovazione delle Amministrazioni universitarie in ricordo di Clara Coviello-anno 2024-The deadline for the tender is scheduled for 2 September 2024.The application for participation must be submitted to