Awards for the best PhD theses

Giuseppe Garroni e Cinzia Roggio, premiati per le migliori tesi di dottorato Uniss

Giuseppe Garroni and Cinzia Roggio are the authors of the best doctoral theses of our University. Giuseppe Garroni attended the XXXIV cycle of the doctorate in Biomedical Sciences, Medical Genetics curriculum, and carried out his research activity culminating in the work entitled: "Environmental behavior influences stem cell fate", under the guidance of the supervisor, Margherita Maioli. Cinzia Roggio followed the XXXV cycle of the Doctorate in Archaeology, History and Human Sciences. His scientific investigation, under the guidance of the speaker, Marco Milanese, is described in the work entitled "Bioarchaeology of a medieval population of North Western Sardinia: the cemetery and ossuary of the abandoned village of Geridu (13th-14th century)". Both received a cash prize worth 500 euros, allocated by the Doctoral School, during the Research Doctorate Day (27/06/2024) which started the new academic year for research doctorates. During the morning, enriched by a lectio magistralis by CERN physicist Francesco del Giudice, around 40 doctors from the 34th, 35th and 36th cycles received the parchment (but the call for prizes only concerned the 34th and 35°).