Incoming Student Ombudsperson The Incoming Student Ombudsperson, chosen among professional not hired by the University, has legal-administrative competence, and is impartial and independent. The Ombudsperson is appointed by the Academic Senate upon the Rector's proposal; the Ombudsperson serves for two years and may be immediately re-appointed once. the Ombudsperson exercises the same functions as the Student Ombudsperson of the University of Sassari. In particular, the Ombudsperson acts as guarantor of impartiality and transparency in all the activities connected with the educational programmes and with the services provided to incoming students for study and for traineeship, who temporarily attend the University of Sassari and who enjoy equivalent benefits as resident students, in accordance with the Charter and the inter-university agreements signed by the University. The Ombudsperson reports to the academic bodies any irregularities, deficiencies, delays and risks of discrimination against incoming students. The Ombudsperson may file detailed opinions addressed to the academic bodies and request information, clarifications and explanations from the offices responsible for the administrative procedures or activities that are the subject of any dispute. Naviga la sezione How to apply for your mobility for study How to apply for your mobility for traineeship Erasmus Traineeship in Sardinia International Credit Mobility (ICM) Guide to services for incoming mobility students International visiting delegations Incoming Student Ombudsperson Notices Contact our Ombudsperson!Prof. Piero Sanna,