Mobility for teaching The Erasmus+ Programme offers the teaching staff of higher education institutions holding an ECHE, the chance to carry out a period of teaching activity at a higher education institution in one of the Countries participating in the Programme after the signing of a bilateral agreement with the institution of origin. With Erasmus+, Universities can also host experts from foreign companies for teaching activities.This activity transfers skills, to contribute to the improvement of curricula, to offer students and scholars stay in their home university opportunities for dialogue using different teaching methods.Once the lesson plan has been agreed, the teaching hours held by the staff will be integrated into those provided by the host institution.The teaching staff may submit their applications to the Mobility and International Relations Office by the deadline set in the specific calls for applications. On the other hand, corporate staff will be contacted upon invitation by the host higher education institution.Duration: 2 days and 8 teaching hours per week or, for shorter periods, Max. 2 months Mobility for training The programme enables teaching staff to benefit from a period of training at higher education institutions holding an ECHE and/or at companies in one of the Countries participating in the Programme.This type of mobility (through seminars, courses, shadowing, etc.) aims at the transfer of competences, the acquisition of practical skills and the learning of good practices by the beneficiaries.The selection of participants is carried out by the relevant higher education institution.A basic requirement for the award of grants is the submission of a work plan agreed between the home institution and the host institution and/or enterprise.Duration: Min 2 days - Max 2 months Erasmus+ mobility for teaching 2023-24 Erasmus+ mobility for teaching 2023-24 Galleria di immagini Contacts Felice LangiuUfficio Mobilità e relazioni internazionaliPiazza Università 11, Sassari (SS)+39 079