Independent Evaluation Body (OIV)


In this section, the university administration publishes the minutes of the meetings of the Evaluation Unit, organized by year (Article 31, paragraph 1 - Legislative Decree 33/2013).


The university administration publishes in this section the certifications produced by the Evaluation Unit regarding the publication of data on the "Transparency Administration" website (Article 14, paragraph 4, letter g, Legislative Decree October 27, 2009, no. 150).

The following documents relate to certifications regarding compliance with specific obligations concerning the publication of data in the institutional websites section of public administrations, specifically dedicated, as required by CIVIT resolution no. 71 of August 1, 2013.

Validation of the Performance Report

The university administration publishes the data, information, and documents of the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV) validating the Performance Report (Article 14, paragraph 4, letter c - Legislative Decree no. 150/2009) in accordance with CIVIT resolution no. 6/2012.

Overall Functioning of the Evaluation System

In this section, the university administration publishes the reports of the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV) on the evaluation system, transparency, and integrity of internal controls (Article 14, paragraph 4, letter a - Legislative Decree no. 150/2009) in accordance with CIVIT resolution no. 6/2012.

Other Acts of the OIV

In this section, the university administration publishes any other acts of independent evaluation bodies, indicating personal data in an anonymous form if present.