Ph.D. and the world of work The University of Sassari has set up a number of doctorates developed in collaboration with private companies.The world of business and the professions is increasingly interested in PhDs, partly as a result of legislation introducing tax relief on the costs of highly qualified personnel employed in research and development activities.If originally the PhD was considered a pathway dedicated to those interested in pursuing a career in research and teaching in academia, today the situation has changed considerably and most PhDs can find rewarding and qualified jobs outside the academic environment, in Italy and abroad.The in-depth and flexible preparation makes the PhD a suitable and in-demand figure for important positions that can offer opportunities for growth towards roles of responsibility and satisfaction of their ambitious aspirations.The PhD School encourages collaboration between the University, the productive system and society, in order to develop innovative paths aimed at broadening the skills of PhD students and their career opportunities, while maintaining a high scientific preparation.There are various forms of collaboration between the University and companies that generate tax benefits for those who decide to invest in research projects proposed or managed by the University of Sassari. Elenco dei Dottorati attivati con le imprese Dottorati PON Dottorati industriali in convenzione con le imprese Naviga la sezione Collaborazioni con le imprese ex DM 117/2023 Dottorati innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale - PON Ph.D. and the world of work Benefici per le imprese Dottorati industriali in convenzione con le imprese Dottorato finanziato dalle imprese Dottorato in apprendistato di alta formazione