The project was an ENRICH (European Network for Research into Global Change) Accompanying Measure that implies that the issues involved are dealt with at their global level. It addressed the issue of the implementation of the United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification and Drought (UNCCD) in a global perspective by involving all its regional Annexes; in particular, it aimed at developing and co-ordinating exchange of experience across the world among scientific institutions involved in the implementation of the regional annexes of the UNCCD, by setting up two thematic international seminars on:

  • 1.Local and Regional Desertification Indicators from a Global Perspective;
  • 2.Role of the Information Circulation Systems in the scientific and practical approach to combat desertification.

The realization of the seminars was preceded by a preparatory phase which involved the elaboration of a study on the use of benchmarks and indicators in the different Annexes, with particular reference to the response and impact indicators adopted in the different National Action Plans (NAPs) in the UNCCD Annexes. This project has allowed a relevant exchange of experience among the Annexes and between scientific community and stakeholders, thus contributing to implement the UNCCD and provide stakeholders with tools and information to implement the UNCCD at the different levels. In particular the seminars allowed the identification and knowledge of experts who have a relevant role in the implementation of UNCCD across the world, thus providing a unique opportunity to act as a network for South-South and North-South cooperation. Each seminar allowed a profitable dialogue between European and non-European scientists and participants (monitoring & evaluation systems managers, and decision makers for the implementation of National Action Programmes to combat desertification).

Title and acronym: Active exchange of experience on Indicators and Development of Perspectives in the context of UNCCD - AID-CCD

Dates: from February 2003 to March 2006

Location: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Namibia, China, Argentina

Partnership: GIP Medias-France, OSS-Tunisia, CCNDMC-China, IADIZA-Argentina, CILLS-Burkina Faso, DRFN-Namibia

Source of funding: EC Framework Programme 5

Role of NRD: Coordinator

NRD Scientific Responsible: Prof. Giuseppe Enne

NRD members and staff involved: Dott.ssa Chiara Zanolla and Dott. Claudio Zucca

Keywords: Desertification Indicators, Information Circulation Systems, UNCCD, information exchange