Annual 2020

Guidelines update

NEW del 23/11/2021 – Integrazione delle spese ammissibili nelle linee guida.

Lists of beneficiaries 2020

The Rectoral Decree rep. is published. 2516 of 10 September 2020 supplementing the lists, divided by department, of the beneficiaries of the 2020 funding.

The Rectoral Decree rep. is published. 2465 of 1 September 2020 with attached the lists, divided by department, of the beneficiaries of the 2020 funding.

By 5 December 2023, the researchers benefiting from the funding in question will have to certify the publication, even in the process of being printed or being evaluated for printing, of a research product, which reports the details of the funding (fund of the University for research 2020).

Annual 2020

The funding is directed to all teaching and research staff of the University in service for the entire academic year. 2020-2021.

The fee for each researcher is equal to Euro 4,000.00. The request for funds is subject to the completion, by 3 August 2020, of a specific Microsoft forms at the following address:


The requests must be individual and the beneficiaries must, within two years from the date of availability of the funds on U-GOV, certify to the Research and Quality Office the publication, also in progress of printing or in the process of being evaluated for the press, of a research product, which reports the amount of the funding (University research fund 2020).

N.B.: To fill out the form, use your Microsoft account by entering the broadband username followed by and the broadband password.

NEW: The deadline for requesting the one-off extraordinary funding for 2020 research is extended to 11.59pm on 23 August 2020.