European Design Laboratory - Horizon Europe: the EIC Accelerator calls of the European Innovation Council (2024) The Horizon Europe European Design Laboratory: the EIC Accelerator calls of the European Innovation Council will take place from 12 to 14 March 2024. This is a new training initiative organized by the European Research Desk of Sardegna Ricerche in collaboration with the Research and Quality Office of the University of Sassari and the Directorate for Research and Territory of the University of Cagliari. Course objectives and contents The initiative aims to provide practical information for the drafting of successful proposals within the EIC ACCELERATOR calls. This is the initiative funded under the Horizon Europe programme and aimed at providing grants to individual SMEs to enable them to commercialize innovative products, processes or services, in any application area.During the lessons, the entire process of preparing a Phase 1 application proposal will be described and analyzed in detail, illustrating compilation techniques and strategies for each section, so as to allow participants to acquire the basic notions essential for drafting the own application dossiers.The main contents will concern:- Introduction to Horizon Europe's EIC ACCELERATOR initiative- How to access financing: reference websites (Funding and Tenders Portal)- Identification of calls: tools made available by the Commission- Structure of the tenders and eligibility criteria, also in relation to the definition of Small and Medium Enterprises- The proposal submission process: functioning of the portal and information required in the different stages of proposal submission- Compilation of administrative forms and drafting of the budget- The compilation of part B, through the guided analysis of the PHASE 1 forms, paying particular attention to the correct compilation of the Opportunity, Solution, Competition, Impact, Company, Team, and Funding sections- Drafting the pitch- Project evaluation criteria- Practical advice for developing a successful proposal.The path will be carried out by the experts of the EUCORE Consulting Company: Irene Liverani (PhD, EU CORE Consulting) and Roberto di Gioacchino (Legal auditor, EU CORE Consulting). Laboratory structure The Laboratory will be organized into two distinct modules (one theoretical and one practical), with the characteristics highlighted in the Program downloadable from the Documents section. The design laboratory activities will then be followed by two weeks of remote tutoring to allow the completion of the project works. The proposals will be evaluated at the end of this process, using the criteria and forms used by the experts of the European Commission; the results of the evaluation will be sent via email and discussed in a video conference between the participants and the EU CORE staff.During the workshop, pre-compiled sections of the application forms will be delivered in electronic format, in order to provide participants with easily adaptable and reusable material for the drafting of their own projects. Recipients The laboratory is aimed at employees of companies, universities, research centres, public bodies located in the regional territory which carry out research and development activities and who intend to present projects in response to the EIC Accelerator calls included in the framework of Horizon's European Innovation Council Europe. Dates, times and venue Both modules will take place in Cagliari at the Manifattura Tabacchi, viale Regina Margherita 33, Aula OfficineThe first theoretical module will take place with the following timetable: - March 12th from 9:00 to 16:00; – March 13th from 9:00 to 13:00.The second practical module will take place with the following timetable: - March 13th from 2.00pm to 6.00pm; – 14 March from 9:00 to 17:15.The European Research Desk reserves the right not to activate the event, notifying the registered participants, if the minimum number of participants is not reached or if causes arise which could compromise the correct running of the laboratory. Registration method Participation in the design workshop is free and limited.The first module is intended for a maximum of 40 participants, previously selected and divided into the following four profiles:Profile A: employees from companies, research centres, public bodies located in the regional territory (17 places)Profile B: staff and/or researchers of the University of Cagliari (10 places)Profile C: staff and/or researchers of the University of Sassari (10 places)Profile D: n. 3 places at research centers (one for each centre): Fondazione IMC, CRS4, and Porto Conte Ricerche.In the second module, participation of up to a maximum of 20 participants will be permitted, previously selected among the participants in the first module and divided into the following four profiles:Profile A: employees from companies, research centres, public bodies located in the regional territory (11 places)Profile B: staff and/or researchers of the University of Cagliari (3 places)Profile C: staff and/or researchers of the University of Sassari (3 places)Profile D: n. 3 places at research centers (one for each centre): Fondazione IMC, CRS4, and Porto Conte Ricerche.The following are excluded from participation in the training course:- companies, bodies and freelancers who provide consultancy/training to third parties necessary for planning, assistance, reporting and monitoring for participation in national, European and international funding;- natural persons not meeting the criteria set out in profiles A/B/C;- training institutions or companies that provide training activities.The registration application must be received by Tuesday 5 March. Considering that one of the criteria for selecting the places reserved for our University is given by the chronological order of submission of applications and in order to guarantee equal opportunities (between those who may have already received the news directly from Sardegna Ricerche and those only via notice (email to all) of the University of Sassari), only registrations submitted after the sending of the Notice of 27 February will be taken into consideration. Therefore, those who have already submitted the application are invited to resubmit it by filling out the form again. Selection criteria for candidates of the University of Sassari (Profile C) With regards to UNISS staff, given the limited number of places available, candidates will be selected for both modules on the basis of three criteria in the following order of priority:1) classification at the University of Sassari: priority is given in the following order: professors, researchers, permanent and fixed-term technical-administrative staff, research fellows, doctoral students, contract teachers, collaborators, scholarship holders;2) involvement in the field of European planning in terms of planning/management/reporting which must be attested for all candidates (with the exception of professors and researchers) by a declaration from the head of the structure they belong to which must be sent to the asai address within the closing deadlines for applications; in the absence of this certification, the priority envisaged by this criterion cannot be assigned;3) chronological order of submission of the request to participate in the laboratory (starting from the sending of the notice from the University of Sassari on 27 February.Once the deadlines for submitting applications for participation have passed, those admitted to the training course will be sent a confirmation email to which they must respond within the deadlines indicated in the communication under penalty of forfeiture of the place and scrolling of the waiting list.Please note that the Regulations for carrying out training activities for the technical, administrative and library staff of the University of Sassari provide that the authorization for staff participation in optional training activities lies with the General Director, both for staff relating to structures of the Central Administration and for personnel belonging to the Departmental Structures. ttendance and certificate of participation Any inability to participate in the workshop on the part of those admitted must be promptly communicated in order to allow the ranking to move forward and full coverage of the assigned places.Participation in part of the training activities foreseen for each module is not permitted and a certificate of participation will not be issued to those who have not attended the total hours of attendance foreseen for each module and have not completed the course satisfaction questionnaire. Documents Programma del laboratorio Registrations Accedi alla pagina per la domanda di iscrizione Naviga la sezione Corso "Progettare una proposta vincente in Horizon Europe: dalla teoria alla pratica, con focus sugli impatti, Open Science e Open data" (Cagliari) Corso "Rendicontazione, management e reporting dei fondi strutturali (2023)" Course "Designing a winning proposal in Horizon Europe: from theory to practice, with a focus on impacts, Open Science and Open data" Course "Management and reporting of Marie Curie projects within the Horizon Europe Programme" Course "New legislation and contractual aspects relating to personnel management in research projects" Course "Reporting and auditing of Horizon Europe projects. The new Annotated Model Grant Agreement" European Design Laboratory - Horizon Europe: the EIC Accelerator calls of the European Innovation Council (2024) Contacts Antonello Sai 079 22 8999 Ufficio ricerca e qualitàVIA MACAO, 3207100 SASSARI