How to apply

Students interested in an internship during the A.Y. 2023/24 and 2024/25 may complete the following applications:

Please rememeber to fill the application with the Curriculum vitae (with languages skills included), Motivational letter related to the internship (specifying the internship ID and period, according to the terms of the internship) and Portfolio (Only for Architecture Students).

Please note that the internship ID of the selected traineeship (as indicated in the Traineeship list) must be clearly specified in the application.

Important note: the list of traineeship positions will be constantly updated.

Students enrolled at any University may apply. Priority will be given to students who obtained an Erasmus+ Traineeship grant. In the academic year 2013-2014, the ETS Programme was extended worldwide. Students enrolled in higher education programmes who obtained a grant from their university will be admitted to spend a training period in Sardinia, provided that their travel and subsistence will be fully covered by the sending institution. Candidate incoming students must be insured during their stay in Sassari and should demonstrate their linguistic skills as specified in each placement offer.

After the selection

Selected students will be enrolled at the University of Sassari and will get a matriculation number. They will be allowed to attend courses and take exams, provided this is compatible with the foreseen internship activity. Free courses of Italian language and culture will also be offered by the University Language Centre. Students who will successfully pass the final exam will receive a certificate reporting the results and the credits obtained (ECTS). At the end of the mobility period, student attendance will be certified in the Transcript of Records, that will include the list of the exams taken, their result, the credits awarded (ECTS) and any research activity performed.
Students will be granted free access to library facilities and wireless connection. They will benefit from several services such as: canteen at reduced fee provided by the Regional Agency for the Right of Study (ERSU); discounts on local public transport; free medical assistance; access to guidance and counseling service; discounts on music and theater tickets and sports activities.

A first reception service and a programme of leisure activities will be offered by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) association.

Prima della mobilità

All'arrivo ti sarà richiesto di fornire i seguenti documenti:

  • Accordo di apprendimento approvato e firmato
  • Una prova del tuo status Erasmus che riporti la durata del soggiorno
  • Carta d'identità o passaporto
  • Codice fiscale

Gli studenti selezionati saranno iscritti all'Università di Sassari e riceveranno un numero di matricola e le credenziali wi-fi dall'Ufficio Mobilità e Relazioni Internazionali. L'Università di Sassari è un'università pubblica con una tradizione accademica radicata, un'ampia offerta formativa, corsi multidisciplinari e ricerca scientifica di alto livello.

Sarà possibile frequentare i corsi e sostenere gli esami, purché siano compatibili con l'attività di tirocinio prevista.

Si consiglia vivamente di prenotare il proprio posto ai corsi gratuiti di lingua e cultura italiana, offerti anche dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. Gli studenti che supereranno con successo l'esame finale riceveranno un certificato contenente i risultati e i crediti ottenuti (ECTS).