PhD Day 2024

Sassari, Aula Magna Università, piazza Università

Event program:

10:00 am Institutional greetings 

10.30 am Gian Francesco Giudice, lectio magistralis entitled “L'Universo quantistico” 

11.45 am Award ceremony for the best doctoral dissertations

12:00 am Presentation of the 34th, 35th and 36th cycle Ph.D.s

12.30 am Closing greetings

Planned live streaming on the



Gian Francesco Giudice

Gian Francesco Giudice_Foto dal sito Accademia dei Lincei

Gian Francesco Giudice is Director of the Department of Theoretical Physics at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory based in Geneva.  Born in Padua in 1961, he graduated from the University of Padua and obtained a doctorate in theoretical physics from SISSA in Trieste. He was Research Associate of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Chicago, Research Fellow at the University of Texas in the group of Nobel Prize winner Prof. Steven Weinberg, worked at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), and finally in 1993 he moved to CERN in Geneva. He was Jacques Solvay Chair at the Solvay Institute in Brussels, Distinguished Visiting Research Chair at the Perimeter Institute in Canada, Chandrasekhar Lecturer at the Tata Institute in India, Sackler Distinguished Lecturer at Tel Aviv University and Schrödinger Guest Professor at the University of Vienna. His research activity, documented by more than two hundred scientific publications, focuses on the formulation of new theories of elementary particles and their applications to the history of the primordial universe. He has served on scientific committees on large particle colliders around the world and on planning for future accelerators. In addition to his research activity, he is also involved in scientific dissemination.
