Global Women's Breakfast 2024 - Catalyzing Diversity In Science

Aula Magna A, University Campus via Vienna 2 (Sassari)

The Global Women’s Breakfast 2024 is an international initiative promoted by IUPAC, in collaboration with the Italian Chemical Society (SCI).

GWB is a global event taking place simultaneously worldwide, aimed at promoting an active network to highlight and overcome gender inequality barriers in science. The invitation is open to everyone.

The topics to be addressed include:

- Career Development
- Leadership Development
- Building Professional Networks
- Achieving Work-Life Balance
- Gender Pharmacology
- Gender Equality in the Workplace
- Building Professional Networks/Finding Research Collaborators
- Life of a Young Researcher

To actively participate in the event, you can register via this form, which will help organize breakfast for the participants.

Further details and information are available on the attached flyer.


General email:

Contact person email: lcaggiu

Phone: 079 229553

For further information