Celebrations in honor of San Biagio

Aula Magna Università e Duomo di San Nicola
15,50 - 17;00
San Biagio 2025 2

Aula Magna Università - piazza Università

15.30      Greetings from the Rector Prof. Gavino Mariotti

15.45      Jacopo Galli, former Director of Otolaryngology UCSC, Policlino Gemelli

"Giving back the voice without vocal cords. Progress in rehabilitation after total laryngectomy"

16.15       Pierpaolo Manca, former Director of Transplant Surgery, SS. Annunziata Hospital

"On the other side of the barricade. Stories of a surgeon who became a patient"

16.35.     Conclusions and greetings

Cathedral of San Nicola

17.00      Holy Mass in memory of San Biagio with the display of the relic preserved in Sassari, presided over by Archbishop Mons. Gianfranco Saba