Call for applications to the 40th cycle of PhD programme Please be informed that, by R.D. no. 1967/2024, the call for applications has been supplemented with the following positions- no. 1 place with scholarship funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in the PhD Course in Cultures, Literatures, Rights, Tourism and Territory- no. 1 place reserved for Shantou University Scholars in the PhD Course in Life Sciences and Biotechnologies;- no. 2 places without scholarship in the PhD Course in Chemical Sciences and Technologies.Translated with (free version) Bando Allegato 1 ALLEGATO 2 Allegato_Annex 3 FAQ Istruzioni per la presentazione delle domande concorsuali ENGLISH VERSION Call XL cycle Annex 1 ANNEX 2 Allegato_Annex 3 FAQ_EN Instructions for submitting competition applications Tutorial - Registration call Tutorial PagoPA Payment Procedure Candidates excluded from the competition The following candidates are excluded from selection pursuant to Article 5 of the competition notice Comunicazione esclusione candidati Selection Boards The selection boards are published in this section Archeologia, Storia e Scienze dell'Uomo Architettura e Ambiente Culture, Letterature, Diritti, Turismo e Territorio Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Life Sciences and Biotechnologies Scienze Agrarie Scienze Giuridiche Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Sperimentali Scienze Veterinarie Written test PhD Course in Legal Sciences The written test for the competition for admission to the PhD Course in Legal Sciences will be held on 26th July at the Department of Law - Aula Consiliare/Piras, Viale Mancini, 5 - Sassari. Candidates are summoned at 9.00 a.m. for the completion of the recognition procedures. The test is scheduled to begin, approximately, at 9.30 a.m. and will last 4 hours. Interview calendar Below are the date, time, venue and telematic contact for the interviews of the admission competition. The calendar is being updatedPh.D. CourseDate of interviewNotesArcheologia, Storia e Scienze dell'Uomo26 luglio 0re 9:00Collegamento TeamsFor any connection problems, please contact mgmelis@uniss.itArchitettura e Ambiente23 - 24 - 29 luglioVerificare il file pubblicato in fondo al calendarioCulture, Letterature, Diritti, Turismo e Territorio25 luglio ore 10:00Aula Pissarello A del Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche e sociali, Ingresso Piazza Conte di Moriana, 8 - SassariContatto Skype:, Management and Quantitative Methods25 luglio ore 12:00Collegamento Google MeetLife Sciences and Biotechnologies27-28 agostoCandidates admitted to the oral test who wish to sit the examination online via Google Meet must notify the PhD Course Coordinator, Prof. Daria Sanna, by 20th August only by sending an e-mail to The attached file contains the timetable for the doctoral examinations that will be held in mixed mode on 27th and 28th August in room C of the Biomedical Complex in Viale San Pietro 43 in both the morning and afternoon. Virtual classrooms will be set up on Google meet for candidates who have requested to use the online mode. The Google meet link and instructions for taking the examination on Monday 26th will be sent to each of them by e-mailScienze Agrarie curriculum Desertification and Land Degradation25 luglio ore 10:00Contatto Skype: giosedScienze Agrarie curriculum Monitoraggio e controllo degli ecosistemi agrari e forestali in ambiente mediterraneo31 luglio ore 9:30Contatto Skype: bscanuScienze Agrarie curriculum Produttività delle piante coltivate5 agosto ore 9:00Aula di Agronomia presso il Dipartimento di Agraria - Pal. Agrobiologico - viale Italia, 39/A - SassariCollegamento TeamsScienze Agrarie curriculum Scienze e Tecnologie Zootecniche29 luglio ore 10:00Aula Cappio - Borlino Sezione di Scienze Zootecniche del Dipartimento di Agraria (palazzo chimico-zootecnico) - viale Italia, 39A - Sassari Collegamento Teams o codice t89nvawPer eventuali problemi di collegamento contattare tempestivamente fcorreddu@uniss.itScienze e Tecnologie Chimiche29 agosto ore 9:15Connecting TeamsFor any connection problems, please contact without delayEach candidate, for the English language proficiency test, may choose to present the project in English or discuss the project in English (answering the committee's questions in English) or read and translate a passage from a scientific article on one of the topics of the PhD course included in Appendix 1Scienze Giuridiche29 luglio ore 10:00Aula Consiliare/Aula Piras del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche - viale Mancini, 5 - SassariScienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Sperimentali curriculum Biologia, Genetica e Oncologia molecolare22 luglio ore 11:00Codice Teams: 3t703r7Auletta di Fisiologia (secondo piano), Complesso Biomedico, viale San Pietro, 43/B - SassariScienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Sperimentali curriculum Medicina e Chirurgia di genere2 agosto ore 13:00Codice Teams: 83n7wylDirezione Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Palazzo Materno Infantile, viale San Pietro, 12, quinto piano - SassariScienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Sperimentali curriculum Neuroscienze25 luglio ore 10:00Collegamento TeamsBiblioteca di Fisiologia, Istituto di Fisiologia, secondo piano, viale San Pietro, 43/B - SassariScienze Veterinarie1° agosto ore 14:30Codice Teams: xtea3dStudio del Prof. Sanna Passino - Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria - Clinica Chirurgica Veterinaria scala D, primo piano - via Vienna, 2 - Sassari DEFINITIVE RANKINGS Archeologia, Storia e Scienze dell'Uomo Architettura e Ambiente Culture, Letterature, Diritti, Turismo e Territorio Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Life Sciences and Biotechnologies Scienze Agrarie Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche Scienze Giuridiche Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Sperimentali Scienze Veterinarie REGISTRATIONS ATTENTION: All candidates are informed that, after the block for the necessary updates in recent days, it is once again possible to proceed with online enrolment. In this regard, we would like to inform you that, following the amendment of the Regulation on Fees and Contributions for Postgraduate Courses and State Examinations (R.D. no. 2351 of 01/08/2024), the amount of enrolment fees has been changed from € 488.72 to € 490.00.NOTICE FOR PLACES WITHOUT A SCHOLARSHIP: Candidates who have been awarded a place without a scholarship, after having enrolled online, do NOT have to pay the fees but must notify the Ufficio Alta Formazione by e-mail that they have proceeded with their enrolment. Once the Office has uploaded the necessary exemption for the recalculation of fees, the interested parties will be notified so that they can also proceed with the payment of registration fees.NOTICE FOR PLACE WINNERS WITH SCHOLARSHIP WHO INTEND TO GIVE UP THE SCHOLARSHIP BUT KEEP THE PLACE: Candidates who have won a place on a scholarship and who are interested in giving up their scholarship but keeping their place, must send an e-mail to the Ufficio Alta Formazione to request the upload of the 16.00 euro stamp duty required to send the request to give up their place. Once they have made the payment, they must download, fill in and send the form on this page. The Office will then update the amount of the enrolment fees and the candidate will be able to make the payment. Please note that, in these cases, the activation of a position without a scholarship is subject to the provisions of Article 8 of the call.Registration for the PhD courses in Archaeology, History and Human Sciences and in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods must be formalised by Tuesday 6th August 2024Enrolment for the PhD course in Cultures, Literature, Rights, Tourism and Territory must be formalised by Wednesday 7th August 2024Enrolment for the PhD courses in Architecture and Environment and in Legal Sciences must be formalised by Friday 9th August 2024Enrolment for the PhD course in Veterinary Sciences must be formalised by Friday 16th August 2024Enrolment for the PhD course in Agricultural Sciences must be formalised by Wednesday 4th September 2024Enrolment for the PhD Course in Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences and in Chemical Science and Technology must be formalised by Friday 6th September 2024Enrolment for the PhD Course in Life Sciences and Biotechnologies must be formalised by Tuesday 10th September 2024 Accettazione borsa di studio e autocertificazione condizione reddituale Autocertificazione pendenze penali Dichiarazione di contemporanea iscrizione alle Scuole di Specializzazione Mediche Modulo pagamento borsa di studio Notes for registration Istruzioni per la rinuncia alla borsa di studio Modulo di rinuncia alla borsa di studio Informativa trattamento dati EXPIRY DATEFriday, 12 July 2024 hours 13:00 DATE OF PUBLICATIONThursday, 13 June 2024