2nd call Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on “Intercultural studies” 2023-2024 This call for applications, aimed at selecting students for participation in the BIP "Intercultural Studies" coordinated by the University of Hradec Králové, is addressed to students regularly enrolled in the current academic year in the following study programmes of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of SassariLM38, Master's Degree Programme (EQF-8) in Foreign Languages and Literatures for Cultural Mediation and Territorial Enhancement; L12, Bachelor's Degree Programme (EQF-7) in Linguistics and Cultural Mediation, who have passed the English Language 1 and English Language 2 and have been awarded the minimum 24 ECTS-equivalent credits required for the above-mentioned examinations.Students enrolled in the Master's Degree Programme in Foreign Languages and Literature for Cultural Mediation and Local Development will be given priority over students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Linguistics and Cultural Mediation. For eligibility requirements see art. 15.More specifically, the Erasmus BIP programme envisaged by this Call for Grants, promoted by the University of Hradec Králové, aims to bring together students from partner universities in different European countries who wish to carry out foreign language teaching activities.The language tests will take place on 28 and 29 February 2024. (Applicants may register for the language tests until 23 February 2024) 1° riapertura BIP Intercultural Studies DUMAS 2023-2024 Repubblica Ceca Attachments Allegato 1 - Lettera motivazionale Allegato 2 - Istruzioni per lo svolgimento dei test di valutazione linguistica Allegato 3 - Programma BIP Allegato 4 - Guida all'iscrizione al bando sul Self-studenti Decreti Decreto di emanazione bando e RUP Outcome Graduatoria definitiva BIP EXPIRY DATEFriday, 01 March 2024 hours 12:00 DATE OF PUBLICATIONThursday, 15 February 2024