Progetti di ricerca europei L'Università degli Studi di Sassari è attualmente impegnata in numerosi progetti di ricerca finanziati nell'ambito dei principali programmi di finanziamento europei, ad iniziare da Horizon 2020 e Horizon Europe.AcronimoTitoloProgramma di finanziamentoResponsabile scientifico di UNISSDipartimento di afferenzaSTREAMSolid Through Rigid Electrolyte: Advanced MeasurementsHORIZON EUROPEProf. Gabriele MulasScienze chimiche, fisiche, matematiche e naturaliRES4CITYRenewable Energies System for CitiesHORIZON EUROPEDott. Mattia De RosaScienze BiomedicheSECUREDScaling Up secure Processing, Anonymization and generation of Health Data for EU cross border collaborative research and InnovationHORIZON EUROPEProf. Luca PulinaScienze Umanistiche e SocialiLOESSLiteracy boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal actors on Soil healthHORIZON EUROPEProf. Andrea VargiuScienze Umanistiche e SocialiSoil-X-ChangeFostering cross-border knowledge exchange and co-creation on sustainable soil and farm managementHORIZON EUROPEProf. Claudio ZuccaAgrariaMYRTUSMulti-layer 360° dYnamic orchestrion and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUumSystems HORIZON EUROPEProf.ssa Francesca PalumboScienze BiomedicheEUP_AHWEuropean Partnership Animal health and WelfareHORIZON EUROPEDott.ssa Laura IacolinaMedicina VeterinariaAI-TranspWoodAI-driven multiscale methodology to develop Transparent Wood as sustainable functional materialHORIZON EUROPEProf. Alberto MarianiScienze chimiche, fisiche, matematiche e naturaliDRYADDemonstration and modelling of NBS to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapesHORIZON EUROPEProf. Costantino SircaAgrariaMONALISAMONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration solutions to combat desertification in LIving labs for achieving Soil heAlthHORIZON EUROPEProf.ssa Giovanna SeddaiuAgrariaMOBILISE-D Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsementHORIZON 2020Dott. Andrea MancaScienze BiomedicheEWA - BELTLinking East and West African farming systems experience into a BELT of sustainable intensification HORIZON 2020Prof.ssa Giovanna SeddaiuAgrariaWORLDWaste Oils RecycLe and DevelopmentHORIZON 2020Prof. Sebastiano GarroniScienze chimiche, fisiche, matematiche e naturaliINNOTARGETSInnovative approaches to identification of metabolic Targets for antimicrobialsHORIZON 2020Prof. Salvatore RubinoScienze BiomedicheIMOCO4.EIntelligent Motion Control under Industry 4.EHORIZON 2020Prof. Luca PulinaScienze Umanistiche e SocialiAIDOaRtAI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systemsHORIZON 2020Prof. Luca PulinaScienze Umanistiche e SocialiEYEINnovation in Truffle cultivation, preservAtion, proCessing and wild truffle resources managemenTHORIZON 2020Prof.ssa Veronica CameradaScienze Umanistiche e SocialiSALAM-MEDSustainable Approaches to LAnd and water Management in MEditerranean DrylandsPRIMA - Section 1Prof. Pier Paolo RoggeroAgrariaSOILS4MEDSOIL health monitoring and information systems FOR sustainable soil management in the MEDiterranean regionPRIMA - Section 1Prof. Claudio ZuccaAgrariaOurMEDSustainable water storage and distribution in the MediterraneanPRIMA - Section 1Prof. Pier Paolo RoggeroAgrariaNATMedNature-based Solutions on existing infrastructures for resilient Water Management in the MediterraneanPRIMA - Section 1Dott. Alberto CarlettiAgrariaLIFE FAGESOSPhytophthora-induced decline of fagaceae ecosystems in Southern Europe exacerbated by climate change: preserving ecosystem services through improved integrated pest managementLIFE 2027Dott. Bruno ScanuAgrariaLIFE SAFE for VULTURESFirst step to the restoration of the vulture guild in SardiniaLIFE 2014-2020Prof.ssa Fiammetta BerlinguerMedicina VeterinariaLIFE IMAGINE UMBRIAIntegrated MAnagement and Grant Investments for the N2000 NEtwork in UmbriaLIFE 2014-2020Prof. Marco ApollonioMedicina VeterinariaLIFE PINNAConservation and re-stocking of the Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic seaLIFE 2014-2020Prof. Marco CasuProf.ssa Daria SannaMedicina VeterinariaScienze BiomedicheThePowerofWEnergy Challenge: The Power of “W” – Sustainable Energy for Developing European TownsCitizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)Prof.ssa Maria Lucia PigaScienze Umanistiche e Sociali Naviga la sezione Progetti di ricerca europei Conservation and re-stocking of the Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic sea