Consorzio Green_Train 2021-27 “Green_Train” (Greening Europe through traineeship, project n. 2021-1-IT02-KA130-HED-000008967) is a further Mobility Consortium coordinated by Iuav University of Venice, which will give students and recent graduates the opportunity to carry out an international traineeship in the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme, based on the experiences of similar projects run by Iuav in the past years.“Green_Train” involves the following member organisations: Iuav University of Venice - as coordinator; Venice Academy of Fine Arts, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Free University of Bozen, University of Sassari - as sending partners and higher education institutions; Eurosportello Veneto and ESU Venezia - as member organisations active in the labour market and education.The sending organizations have a solid experience as far as placement and mobility activities are concerned while ESU and Eurosportello Veneto have already been involved in the implementation of Iuav previous projects (participants preparation and orientation; dissemination activities; etc…). Obiettivi The objectives of the Consortium are both specific and general. The first specific objective consists of involving an increasing number of students/recent graduates in the Erasmus+ Programme, through the experience of a “sustainable traineeship”. The geographic focus will mainly be Europe, so that the placement will lead participants not only to a professional development, but also to their evolution as European citizens more and more aware of the importance of sustainability, in its environmental, economic and social aspect. The second specific objective is represented by the members’ intent to establish a “green network” of host organisations committed to sustainability in their area of competence. The “green network” will include non profit organisations; little and middle sized enterprises, museums and institutions active in the fields of culture, performing arts and fashion.The final objective is general: through the achievement of the above mentioned purposes, it is expected that Green_Train will contribute - in the longer run - to the implementation of the measures stated in the European Green Deal. The mobilities will offer to young people, in fact, a professional training in high profile institutions, already supporting with their own expertise sustainable development of the European economy. Attività The main activity of the Consortium will be the realisation, the management and the mapping of the mobilities for traineeship for students and recent graduates. The placement will, in fact, help overcome the current mismatch between demand and offer in the labour market as well as improve the employment rate of young people in Europe. The development of the “green network” of international host institutions committed to sustainability, will be guaranteed by the long-standing experience in mobility Consortia held not only by the Coordinator but also by the member organisations. Further, a series of transversal activities will be implemented during the whole project cycle, so as to ensure the quality of the traineeships: participants’ preparation before the mobility, including a focus on personal safety; training on intercultural competence; career orientation services; various initiatives aimed at erasing beneficiaries’ awareness on themes related to sustainability (including low impact mobility during the international placement). Impatto Green_Train will impact all actors involved. With regards to beneficiaries, the experience of a mobility for placement will facilitate the improvement of the skills in the areas indicated in the Eu framework of key competences “LifeComp”: social, personal and learning to learn. During their experience, trainees will be introduced, in fact, to a new professional environment, speak one or more foreign languages; gain professional competence; improve their intercultural and communication ability. As far as the institutional level is concerned, the Consortium format will guarantee fruitful cooperation among its members, which will lead to a constant exchange of good practices and know- how; to the development of the skills of the personnel involved in the project in each institution; to the improvement of the services offered in the fields of placement, career orientation, international mobility. At an international level, the human capital acquiring “green skills” (concerning environmental sustainability; circular economy; digital skills, ect..) will increase more and more, which is deemed to be the key element for European future competitiveness as well as for overcoming the current health, economic and social crisis. Naviga la sezione Consorzio Green_Train 2021-27 Guida per studenti outgoing