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UNISS present at the 20th edition of the International Botanical Congress (IBC).
Collaboration agreement between the University of Sassari and the international association ISRCT
The will stronger than the disease.
Unique in Italy in the areas of MANAGEMENT, Sustainability of Livestock and Animal WELL-BEING.
Anna Boi won
Corso biennale gratuito in Sviluppatore di Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale
14 million euros have been allocated for a pool of 100 thousand students
Performance together with the chamber ensemble, the choir and the Symphony Orchestra of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
eINS PNRR Project - Innovation Ecosystem
Progetto eINS PNRR - Ecosistema dell'Innovazione - ECS00000038
"Angelo Aru" excellence award to Ludmila Ribeiro Roder
The deadlines expire on September 15th